AT&T Techs in SF – Vanessa Gavalya

The very charming Vanessa Gavalya landed a super fun job that would take our team from Dallas to San Francisco to shoot some interesting scenes for AT&T directly. The shots would cover all branches: Mobile, DIRECTV, Wireline Fiber, and Microwave Tower Radio. Locations were spectacular from mountain tops to Golden Gate Park. We had all the very best helpers from AT&T to make sure we were representing all the products and services in their best manner.

The only struggle we have on this trip was that while at dinner one day while we were preparing to move from the northern SF areas down towards San Mateo, our rental SUV was broken into and they stole several bags! Thankfully it was mostly personal items and the essentials we needed to keep shooting were all intact. Whew! SF Police were of absolutely no help as this type of crime happens approx 600 times a day and they cannot keep up. Insurance covered us but it took a few months to iron out.

Here are some final images:

And BTS of course: