Cuban Artists – Jonathan Chapman

“Cuba is like a prince in a poor man’s coat”

 “Cuba. Timeworn but magnificent, dilapidated but dignified, fun yet maddeningly frustrating.”

“A country where you can wave goodbye to Western certainties and expect the unexpected.”

“Don’t come here looking for answers. Just arrive with an open mind and prepare yourself for a long, slow seduction.”

“No one could have invented Havana. It’s too audacious, too contradictory, and – despite 50 years of withering neglect – too damned beautiful.”

I really had no idea how this experience would end up. This trip was planned at a time that travel from US to Cuba was still rather challenging and a little scary. Thankfully, we had a great partnership with US Cuba Artist Exchange based in Minneapolis to kick things off. Mariesa helped to connect us with a lot of wonderful artists, who then connected us with some of their best friends. We stumbled upon a few bonuses as we cruised across the country in old junkers (one which needed a roadside spark plug swap on our way to the airport leaving Havana!!) With tiny cups of strong sweet Cuban coffee, we saw the south and the north of the great island. Our bellies were always full and our conversations we always rich. These talented artists, musicians, drivers, farmers, and cooks will never be forgotten.

Adam Duguay @ Coelement (DP, Director, 2nd Camera), John Fontana (Audio Capture), Alejandro Lay (3rd Camera, BTS, Translator), Mariesa Harmony (Liaison), Yunior Rebollar Carbonell (Liaison, Translator), Matthew Slimmer (everything else!)