Spooky Target Casting at Orbit

It’s another one of those “tag team” jobs. For this week, Sarah Fisher at Orbit Studios was waist deep in the Target Halloween costume photography with Kevin White, and needed a double! I came in to help them cast for the adult costumes and transition the talent into the flowing shoot that Kevin and Sarah had running. Since Kevin was occupied, the photographer for this casting was Kelly Loverud, who I had met before but never worked with. He was very professional and got just what we needed from each of the talent coming in to show their stuff.

Unfortunately, I can’t share any photos of this shoot since the costumes are not in stores yet.

Crew was: Kelly Loverud (photographer), Liz Roemer (wardrobe stylist), Jenny Jenkins (stylist asst), Colin Kopp (photo asst), PeggySue Imihy (production asst)