Finally, MCTC Phase 3 with Jonathan

At last, Jonathan and I wrap up our motion + still shooting extravaganza for MCTC! This project has taken nearly a year to complete from concept to delivery. It’s a beautiful relief to see the finished products. This final leg of the project took us off campus to the MCTC affiliate’s Flying Cloud Airport and Hennepin Technical College for Air Traffic Control and Law Enforcement, respectively. We rounded it our by polishing up on a few more program areas on campus: Math, Theatre, Astronomy. This may have been the most fun of all three phases of shooting. Not only because of the content or locations, but the people that we were privileged to capture and interview. After it all, we wrapped up at the nearby AMAZING restaurant, Joe’s Garage.

Our crew consisted of Jesse Roesler of Bolster (DP), Eric Schleicher (AC), Ashlee Ellert (Hair/Makeup/Wardrobe), John Fontana (DigiTech), Patrick Schaefer (Audio Tech), Patrick Meehan (Photo+Video Assistant), and Chris Worlow (Photo+Video Assistant).

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