I don’t often get involved in fashion style shoots. They’re so unscripted! And I like to make a really tight plan for what the clients want. These clients wanted less structure and plenty of space to wander – so we gave it to them! This pretty much turned into an Instagram shoot. Our content creators (photographers) were Sami Weaver and Addie Brokaw. Go check out https://www.instagram.com/targettag/
Oh, and this was my last shoot before the COVID pandemic. Yikes!

Photo Asst Daniel Yates, Production Asst Thomas Euyang, Production Asst Rebecca Dreiling, Production Asst Carlos Mendoza, Location Scout Whitney Devin Subdivision Locations, Wardrobe Stylist Bonnie Markel, Stylist Asst Abigail Enright, Stylist Asst Lauren McCann, Makeup Artist Susie Jasper – Seaminx, Hair Stylist Ro Vielma – Seaminx, Hair/Makeup Assistant Jen Dirlam, Prop Stylist Brienne Neumann