I had the pleasure of referring Jonathan for an amazing project for Matrix Fitness. The art director contacted me and asked for production help and referrals for photographers that would be great for the job. After sifting through a concise list, they chose the very talented Jonathan Chapman! This project would be multi-city, and international throughout January and February this year. We began in Toronto Ontario Canada, made a quick stop at Matrix Fitness HQ mock-fitness-center in Lake Mills WI, and finally off to Maui Hawaii.
The imagery would create a library of images designated for a beautiful brochure aiming to sell their commercial line of equipment to luxury hotels and similar clients. Thus, what better place to photograph their machines than high-end hotels including Four Seasons and Hyatt Andaz. These locations were truly top notch in every space including amazing guest rooms, breathtaking lobbies, and gorgeous fitness centers (or centres in Canada, eh). The printed piece is quite remarkable. Very inspiring and packed with lovely images from Jonathan.
I located great crew in each city, and did remote casting to find us the perfect models needed to demonstrate each Matrix Fitness cardio or strength exercise. We even pulled off a few spa-inspired looks. The scenery, and models, plus Jonathan’s direction, lighting, and captures were a winning combination.
We stayed for an extra couple days in Maui to soak in the culture, and I went solo for a bonus day in Toronto. Jonathan wanted to shoot a motion test while in Hawaii, so we set up something really special on a very wild side of the island. More to come later in that blog entry!
Here are a few pages from the brochure. I’m still amazed at how beautifully it turned out. The brochure can be downloaded here: http://www.matrixfitness.com/docs/hospitality_brochure.pdf
Here’s a snapshot of their website.
And, as is customary, some behind the scenes stills.
Toronto Canada Crew:
Jessica Jean Myers (Hair Makeup Artist), Eric Schleicher (2nd Camera/Photo Asst), Cedric Swaneck (Photo Asst).
Maui Hawaii Crew:
Camille Kozuki (Hair & Makeup Artist), John Fontana (Digi Tech), Barton Hrast (Photo Asst)